NewsNation interview with Rajacenna On March 14 I was live on the 'Morning in America' show on NewsNationNow (USA). It was such a fun interview, but unfortunately for European countries the link to the interview can not be seen. A part of the interview can be...

galileo crew In 2019 German TV-show ‘Galileo’, which is broadcasted in several other countries also; made a mini-documentary about Rajacenna at her studio in the Netherlands. During the filming of that episode they also covered the EEG-scan of her brain while she was drawing two different realistic...

Video interview Rajacenna with RTL Life I did a video interview with RTL Life Magazine which will be broadcasted on Saturday 10th of September on RTL TV Germany. l ...

I was invited as guest to the Humberto live TV-show (RTL television) in the Netherlands. It was awesome to be in his show and I was very happy to be invited!  It was the first episode of the a series of new shows broadcasted on Saturday...

Today an article about me appeared in the DailyMail. Which is ‘DRAW-SOME’ to speak with their own invented word. One note: I never ‘claimed’ that I have “taken a scan that revealed extraordinary brain...